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Sutta Pitaka: Birth, pain, disease, and death are all painful. Any unsatisfied craving is painful, including lusts of the flesh or eyes. Union with the unpleasant, and separation from the pleasant is painful. Existance is unpleasant.

These sources of pain are solved by becoming dispassionate and practicing holiness, and not being reborn.

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Sutta Pitaka, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Modern Prophets: Yes. Truth arises or is learned from within. Typically such knowledge comes to the mind or the heart.

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Sutta Pitaka, Bhagavad Gita: No, it is not possible.
Torah, Book of Mormon, New Testament and Modern Prophets: Yes. We have been given by God the ability to make our own decisions.

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Sutta Pitaka, Bhagavad Gita: No, it is not possible.
Torah, Book of Mormon, New Testament and Modern Prophets: Yes. We have been given by God the ability to make our own decisions.

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Suttra Pitaka: Yes, five aggregates: body, feelings, perception, mental processes, and consciousness.
Modern Prophets: Three aggregates: body, spirit, and intelligence.

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Suttra Pitaka: Yes. It entails right aspirations, right condcut, right contemplations, right effort, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right speech, and right views.

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Yes, There is no rebirth for Buddha.

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