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Modern Prophets: Yes. Jesus Christ sent Peter, James, and John in June, 1829 to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and gave them apostolic priesthood authority. They were instructed to organize the Church of Christ again upon the earth.

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Mixed answer. A New Testament passage spoken by Jesus Christ states that the "gates of hell" shall not prevail against the church if built upon "this rock". Catholics believe that "this rock" refers to Peter. Others believe that that "this rock" is referring to revelation. Modern Prophets state that the church organized by Jesus Christ, was in fact lost, as prophesied in other passages of the New Testament and Old Testament. Modern Prophets also states, however, that Peter has returned again to the earth to restore his priesthood authority.

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The Old Testament and Modern Prophets state that God always builds His church upon revelation to living prophets. Amos, in the Old Testament states that God will not do anything except He reveal it to His prophet. A New Testament passage spoken by Jesus Christ states that the "gates of hell" shall not prevail against the church if built upon "this rock". Catholics believe that "this rock" refers to Peter. Others believe that that "this rock" is referring to revelation. Modern Prophets state that the church organized by Jesus Christ, was in fact lost, as prophesied in other passages of the New Testament and Old Testament. Modern Prophets also states, however, that Peter has returned again to the earth in 1829 to restore his priesthood authority.

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Yes. Catholics believe that Christ selected Peter as the "rock" upon which He built His church. Modern Prophets believe that Jesus Christ selected revelation as the "rock" upon which to build the church, rather than an infallible Peter. Modern Prophets also believes that a resurrected Peter, as his original chief apostle, was again selected by Jesus Christ to return to the earth and restore the holy apostleship upon the earth in a visitation to two men, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, in 1829.

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