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Yes. The New Testament and Book of Mormon both indicate that Mary would be the chosen mother of Jesus Christ. In Luke in the New Testament it states that she was blessed among women.

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Torah, Book of Mormon, New Testament, and Modern Prophets: Yes. God gave revelations to Moses--the entire Torah. To Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial, and Malachi. He gave revelations to Jesus Christ--the sermon on the mount, all His teachings in the Gospel. The Quran says of Jesus Christ, "We gave him the Gospel, which contained guidance and light." Revelations to Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Alma, Samuel, Mormon--all prophets in the Book of Mormon--fill its pages. Modern Prophets tell of appearances of Jesus Christ to modern prophets Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, and apparently Boyd K. Packer. In fact, in all these Christian texts there is no occassion when God has a people without also having a prophet among them.

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New Testament: There is no record of this happening. While Mary was chosen of God as the mother of Jesus Christ, the New Testament does not indicate that she received revelations for the Church.

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New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Modern Prophets: Yes. Christ gave the most direct teaching on this point in the Lord's Prayer where he said that we should pray, "Our Father which art in heaven." The Book of Mormon teaches us to, "ask the Father." Modern Prophets states, "Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father."

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There is no passage in any of the religious texts that encourages this.

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