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New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Modern Prophets: Yes. He organized it in Jerusalem, in Ancient America, and modern times with apostles and priesthood authority to teach and baptize.

The Torah speaks of a people led by a prophet and a priesthood order.

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New Testament and Modern Prophets: Yes. When the people rejected and killed the original apostles, then false teachings, ordinances, and priesthood entered, and the Church was lost. This falling away was prophesied, and partially visible in the New Testament itself.

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Modern Prophets: Yes. Jesus Christ sent Peter, James, and John in June, 1829 to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and gave them apostolic priesthood authority. They were instructed to organize the Church of Christ again upon the earth.

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New Testament:

"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me. it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

Modern Prophets:

"[I]ndividuals who…abuse spouse or offspring…will one day stand accountable."

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Torah, Book of Mormon, New Testament, and Modern Prophets: Yes. God gave revelations to Moses the entire Torah, and to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial, and Malachi.

He gave revelations to Jesus Christ the sermon on the mount, all His teachings in the Gospel.

The Quran says of Jesus Christ, "We gave him the Gospel, which contained guidance and light."

Revelations to Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Alma, Samuel, Mormon--all prophets in the Book of Mormon--fill its pages.

Modern Prophets tell of appearances of Jesus Christ to modern prophets Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, and apparently Boyd K. Packer.

In fact, in all these texts there is no occassion when God has a people without also having a prophet among them.

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New Testament: There is no record in the texts of this happening. While Mary was chosen of God as the mother of Jesus Christ, the New Testament does not indicate that she received revelations for the Church.

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Yes. Book of Mormon, New Testament, and Modern Prophets: These all state that the gospel will be taught to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people before Jesus Christ comes again.

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Ketuvim, Book of Mormon, New Testament and Modern Prophets: In Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezaar's dream the stone, God's kingdom, made without hands destroyed the image of earthly kingdoms and grew to "fill the earth."

The Book of Mormon speaks of the demise of the great and abominable church, and of the great pit dug for the House of Israel filled by those who dug it.

Modern Prophets Henry B. Eyring states that the "best days are yet ahead for the kingdom of God on the earth."

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Mixed answer. A New Testament passage spoken by Jesus Christ states that the "gates of hell" shall not prevail against the church if built upon "this rock". Catholics believe that "this rock" refers to Peter. Others believe that that "this rock" is referring to revelation.

Modern Prophets state that the church organized by Jesus Christ, was in fact lost, as prophesied in other passages of the New Testament and Old Testament. Modern Prophets also states, however, that Peter has returned again to the earth to restore his priesthood authority.

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The Old Testament and Modern Prophets state that God always builds His church upon revelation to living prophets. Amos, in the Nevi'im states that God will not do anything except He reveal it to His prophet. A New Testament passage spoken by Jesus Christ states that the "gates of hell" shall not prevail against the church if built upon "this rock". Catholics believe that "this rock" refers to Peter.

Others believe that that "this rock" is referring to revelation. Modern Prophets state that the church organized by Jesus Christ, was in fact lost, as prophesied in other passages of the New Testament and Old Testament.

Modern Prophets also states, however, that Peter has returned again to the earth in 1829 to restore his priesthood authority.

It is not just the receipt of revelation that protects the Church, but it is the humility of the people to follow revelation that provides spiritual protection

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