Yes. Angels were sent to mankind from the days of Adam until modern days. God is unchangeable, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
View EntriesModern Prophets: Yes. God has sent John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elijah, and Elias. Elijah has returned as prophesied in Malachi.
View EntriesBook of Mormon: Yes, one of the purposes of angels sent is to declare repentance.
View EntriesNew Testament, Book of Mormon, and Modern Prophets: Yes. He organized it in Jerusalem, in Ancient America, and modern times with apostles and priesthood authority to teach and baptize.
The Torah speaks of a people led by a prophet and a priesthood order.
View EntriesNew Testament and Modern Prophets: Yes. When the people rejected and killed the original apostles, then false teachings, ordinances, and priesthood entered, and the Church was lost. This falling away was prophesied, and partially visible in the New Testament itself.
View EntriesModern Prophets: Yes. Jesus Christ sent Peter, James, and John in June, 1829 to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and gave them apostolic priesthood authority. They were instructed to organize the Church of Christ again upon the earth.
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