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Browse Digests

May all extend love and peace to mankind of all religious faiths.The Religious Digests constitute a six-volume work which includes each religious text in a separate volume.


Bhagavad Gita Digest

Those, who are alike to friend and foe, equipoised in honor and dishonor, cold and heat, joy and sorrow, and are free from all unfavorable association…


The Torah Digest

The Torah is perhaps the most widely accepted of all religious texts today, and is cited in part in the additional religious texts of the Book of Mormon…


The Book of Mormon Digest

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a companion witness with the Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim, and also the New Testament…


New Testament Digest

The New Testament tells of the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His ministry, teachings, miracles, suffering for our sins, death by crucifiction, and resurrection.


Quran Digest

The Quran was the last of the Abrahamic Texts to be written. It was written over about 23 years from 610 a.d. to 632 a.d. Muslims believe the Quran is revelation…


Modern Prophets Digest

Modern Prophets presents to the world that prophets are again upon the earth, and like the earlier practices of the Torah, Book of Mormon, and New Testament,.


Sutra Pitaka (Buddhist)

Top 20 Sutras
(coming July 1, 2023)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the website?

There are many great efforts seeking to bring peace to the world, and inside the hearts of all of us. Our effort seeks to bring peace by promoting religious understanding between many of the major faiths of the earth. So much of conflict comes as a result of fear and mistrust of followers of different religious faiths. To that end, a digest of six major religious texts is provided, free of charge. In addition, a brief summary of each text is also provided. May all extend love and peace to mankind of all religious faiths.

Why aren’t other texts included, such as the Sutra Pitaka, Sri Guru Granth Sahib, and many others?

Hopefully with time they can be. It takes time and money to do a religious text. It is considered better to do some texts now even if all are not included. Those choosing to donate are invited to recommend additional texts for prioritization and inclusion if they would like.

How can you speak to all these different faiths?

We don’t. The objective is not to speak to any particular faith, but instead to speak to religious texts. Some followers of a religious text may belong to different faiths. For example, the Torah is accepted by Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

Why aren’t these Digests and Summaries sold for profit?

The pursuit of world and internal peace is more important than profits. Please share these Digests and Summaries with your family, friends, and neighbors.

How do you interpret a text?

We don’t seek to interpret texts, simply to organize and convey their passages to others. We do apply a couple of rules: 1—A text digest is organized in a way so that all its provisions are internally consistent, rather than favoring one passage over another; and, 2—A text is included in its entirety. The Digests are not organized by selecting topics, finding entries, and then coalescing those topics together. Instead, each page and each passage is read and its doctrinal content is transcribed. Then—after the fact—similar doctrinal content is coalesced. No page or passage is favored over another. No page is excluded. This leads to an internally consistent flow for the entire text, from beginning to end.








World Peace Dome, World Peace Prayer Hall and Library stands tall at 263 feet. It has a diameter of 160 feet. The height of the dome is 96 feet, whereas the height of the total structure from the ground to the apex is 263 feet. The inside sitting area is spread over an area of 20,000 sq. feet and total seating capacity is 3000.The Library spreads across 62,250 sq. feet. This architectural wonder that was completed 2018, was accomplished through 15 years of perseverance, dedication and hard-work of over ten thousand people, comprising engineers, workers and artists from various communities. .

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